Tuesday, April 14, 2015

It sounds like a no-brainer right? So why do people say no? Because people only do business with people they KNOW, LIKE and TRUST. Many people won't entertain a meeting with you because they don't know you. Furthermore, because Aflac is insurance, business owners will reject your offer because of four common reasons:

1. Aflac is insurance. My guys don't need (more) insurance.
2. We already offer benefits!
3. I don't want any paperwork.
4. I'm too busy.

If you market using Everwell, you can confidently say:

1. Everwell is a business platform. My goal is to launch this platform and build brand awareness! Personally I don't care if anyone enrolls in insurance. What I provide is service and education.
2. Great! Our technology won't replace your benefits, but will allow you to streamline your HR process while offering voluntary options that can actually save you money for offering them!
3. There's no paperwork and no contract to sign. We set up the account by phone. Everything else is done digitally!
4. All we really need is a Tax ID and your blessing! We'll do the rest!

Still getting a no? It's because they still don't know, like or trust you. This is why it's nice to drop by and say "I'd just like to come by, say hello and introduce myself."

And be prepared to answer the most common (non-objection) obstacle:

"Let me poll my employees to see if they want it."

Your answer is:
  • Good idea!
  • But usually when people are asked "Do you want more insurance?" they reflexively say "No."
  • With education, about 2/3 of people will see the need for our products.
  • I can't promise you a tax savings if you poll the employees
  • I also can't promise you any worker's comp benefit

Use this table for more ways to divert objections to a yes! Respond to every objection with an AGREEMENT! ...and SMILE! (And if you still get a no, be positive and say "Thank you for talking with me!")

We Already Have It
Not Interested
My guys don’t want it
I don’t make that decision
Send Me Something
That’s great!
That’s great! That’s exactly why I’m calling!
I totally get it!
I totally get it!
Oh, well. I’m just curious...
Sure! No problem!
You know, the only reason I’m calling is to set up an appointment. And I can promise I'll only take 10, maybe 12 minutes.

Would Thursday at 3:00pm work for you?
A lot of people (at NAME OF COMPANY) had the same reaction you did when I first called. They thought it was health insurance before they understood how what we do complements what they’re already doing.
But, you know, I've never met a business owner who fully understood what we did and didn't see some benefit from what we do.
But, you know, I've never worked with a business where we didn't get at least half of the guys to participate.
What do you do? What’s your role?
Since I’ll be in the area, I’d be happy to drop it off for you. How long do you think you’ll need to review it? A couple days? A week? Two weeks?
I bet people that work as hard as you drink a lot of coffee. Why don’t I bring you a cup of coffee and we’ll take a quick break together. You take it with cream and sugar or black?

How is Thursday at 3:00pm?
I think we really should get together so I can show you how we complement that strategy.

I'm not asking you to say yes to our service. I'm just asking for a yes to a meeting.

How is Thursday at 3:00pm?
I think we really should get together so I can provide a proper presentation. And if you think I'm totally off my rocker, I'll kick myself out. 
I'm not asking you to say yes to our service. I'm just asking for a yes to a meeting.

How is Thursday at 3:00pm?
I think we really should get together so I can provide a proper presentation. And if you think I'm totally off my rocker, I'll kick myself out.

I'm not asking you to say yes to our service. I'm just asking for a yes to a meeting. 

How is Thursday at 3:00pm?
That’s great. Then I think we really should get together so I can show how we complement that strategy. How is Thursday at 3:00pm?
Great. Tell you what. Since you need a week, let’s put it on our calendar I’ll be back a week from tomorrow. And if you don’t like what I send, just call me and we’ll cancel the appointment. Is that fair? Are mornings good or afternoons better?

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